"The Dominican Convent of Santo Domingo Tehuantepec. A Disaster Risk Management plan for local cultural heritage"
Book: Good practices on Disaster Risk Management for Cultural Heritage. Practices of the ITC Participants
Ed. Kim, D., Jigyasu, R., Shakya, L.
"Aproximaciones en torno a la recuperación de patrimonio cultural mexicano"
Book: Reflexiones diversas ante el proceso de desastre. Reflexiones y perspectivas para México.
Eds. Ruiz, N., Rodriguez, D.
SURSA / UNAM, México
Scientific Journals
"Participatory Risk Mapping for Cultural Heritage. The case of Tehuantepec, México"
Revista Intervención
INAH, México
"Community participation on the protection of cultural heritage in the aftermath of disasters"
International Journal for Disaster Risk Reduction
Journals and magazines
"Estudio preliminar sobre el impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19 en el ámbito de la conservación-restauración en México"
CR Conservación y Restauración, year 7, dossier to the special edition sept-dic 2020.
National Institute of Anthropology and History
"La vulnerabilidad institucional en el patrimonio cultural mexicano"
CR Conservación y Restauración, year 7, Special edition sept-dic 2020.
National Institute of Anthropology and History
"The Dominican Convent of Tehuantepec, Mexico. A disaster risk management draft plan"
Proceedings of the UNESCO Chair Programme on Disaster Risk Management and Cultural Heritage.
Ritsumeikan University
Kyoto, Japan
"Multi-layered emergency response for the protection of cultural heritage at risk. the 2017 Mexico earthquakes"
Thesis presented to obtain the MSc in Risk, Disaster and Resilience (distinction)
Institute of Risk and Disaster Reduction
University College London
London, United Kingdom